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OWASP updates top 10 list with decades old security ris...

2021 list shows how far application security has come and how much work is left to do.

Gitpod releases browser-based Visual Studio code to get...

Backed by industry leaders GitLab, VMware and Sourcegraph, Gitpod created an open-source project to bring browser-based developmen...

Deepwatch announces managed detection and response solu...

The fully-automated security operations center solution comes with 24/7 support and sets up in less than an hour.

New Chrome feature can tell sites and webapps when you'...

The new Idle Detection API gives Chrome the ability to register whether a user is active, and has drawn concerns from privacy advo...

3 tips to protect your users against credential phishin...

A new phishing campaign spotted by Armorblox tried to steal user credentials by spoofing a message notification from a company tha...

Don't let cybercriminals ruin your merger or acquisitio...

Companies are vulnerable to potential cyberthreats during mergers and acquisitions; learn from an expert why and how to reduce sec...

Should job seekers list their vaccine status on LinkedI...

The federal mandate that companies with 100+employees get their workforce vaccinated or face weekly testing has implications for n...

Are VPNs still the best solution for security?

Cybersecurity professionals rely on VPNs to secure remote endpoints with an organization's home network. One expert suggests there...

How to remove direct formatting in a Word document

In Microsoft Word, direct formatting is great when used conservatively, but removing it in a document littered with it is difficul...

WSJ's Facebook series: Leadership lessons about ethical...

There have been discussions about bias in algorithms related to demographics, but the issue goes beyond superficial characteristic...

A crack in the Garden Wall: What the Epic Games v. Appl...

This is a big deal for mobile app vendors and developers.

How to improve relations between developers and securit...

Chris Wysopal shared a history lesson about the evolution of application security and advice on how to make all apps more secure.

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