Category: International

Reaffirm commitment to ban nuclear tests, UN chief says...

Countries which have not yet ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) are urged by UN Secretary-General António G...

The ‘energy patriots’ bringing electricity to Indonesia...

For millions of villagers in Indonesia’s remote areas, a 12-hour-per-day erratic electricity supply is the norm. With students stu...

Afghan children ‘at greater risk than ever’, top UNICEF...

With the needs of Afghan children greater than ever before, the world “cannot abandon them now”, a senior official with the UN Chi...

On International Day, UN chief calls for action to end ...

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged countries to fulfil their obligations to prevent and prosecute cases of enforced d...

COVID jabs needed for educators and kids to keep school...

As the school year begins for millions of children in Europe and Central Asia, UN health and child experts on Monday issued a seri...

Ensuring the right to a nationality, more pressing than...

Ensuring the right to a nationality and eradicating statelessness is more pressing than ever, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said o...

UN health agency secures life-saving medical supplies t...

Lifesaving medical supplies reached Afghanistan by air on Monday, the first UN shipment to arrive since the Taliban takeover more ...

Secretary-General calls for bold action to end biodiver...

With one million species at risk of extinction, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday called for greater leadership and ...

End of leaded fuel use globally a ‘milestone for multil...

The global phase-out of leaded fuel represents a “milestone for multilateralism”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Mo...

Israel-Palestine: Waste no opportunity for ‘serious’ po...

The top UN envoy for the Middle East peace process told the UN Security Council on Monday that three months after the deadly escal...

IAEA ‘deeply troubled’ by DPRK nuclear reactor developm...

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says it is “deeply troubled” by indications that the Democratic People’s Republic of...

Security Council urges Taliban to provide safe passage ...

The UN Security passed a resolution on Monday that calls for the Taliban to facilitate safe passage for people wanting to leave Af...

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