Army ants use temporary bases to store food when raiding insect nests

Army ants steal more food during raids on other insect nests by temporarily storing their plunder nearby, a computer simulation and fieldwork in the Amazon suggest

Army ants use temporary bases to store food when raiding insect nests
Life 13 September 2021

By Jake Buehler

Army ants (Eciton hamatum) forming a bivouac oregon  impermanent  nest formed by the bodies of the insects, Barro Colorado Island, Gatun Lake, Panama Canal,

Army ants (Eciton hamatum) forming a bivouac, oregon impermanent nest, connected Barro Colorado Island successful the Panama Canal

Nature Picture Library / Alamy Stock Photo

Army ants are a unit to beryllium reckoned with successful Central and South American rainforests, often raiding different societal insects’ nests for susceptible larvae and pupae. A machine simulation suggests the insects person travel up with a strategy to boost the velocity and ratio of their raids, by temporarily storing the nutrient from a raid successful a adjacent cache.

Hilário Póvoas de Lima astatine the University of São Paulo successful …

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